Injunctions Won't Affect El Chapo's Extradition

Says Mexico's Attorney General

MEXICO CITY – Mexico's Attorney General, Arely Gómez, declared that the legal injunctions known as amparos, that have been filed by Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán's legal defense team, won't deter his extradition to the United States.

There is currently no official order issued by the Mexican government.

Gómez assured Grupo Imagen that multiple amparos have been filed to avoid El Chapo's U.S. extradition, most of them the day after the capo's second admittance into maximum security federal prison "Altiplano".

The Attorney General also stated that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be the one in charge of deciding whether the U.S. extradition request will proceed or not, which is when the "amparos will come into effect, not before. Right now, we're on the 20-day window period for the extradition process to start, that's when the legal defense team can start making use of their legal resources", highlighted Gómez.

Via: Excélsior

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