Baja California

Try the Best Tacos of First Street, Tijuana


First street (calle primera, Zona Norte) in Tijuana is well known for A LOT of things (a variety of gentlemen's clubs, ahem), but I assure you that you can find one of the best taco stands that would help you satisfy your "midnight munchies" hunger after having a few drinks.

This stand has no name, but it's located right after Coahuila Street, the only thing you have to do is to pay attention to the taco stand across the street, which will certainly be almost empty; look for the food cart without a name and with more flow of people.

The closer you get to the place in the night,

the sooner it starts looking like a zombie invasion, people start screaming and fighting for a taco as if it was a war they have to win no matter how, you can only listen to them say, "two with everything!", or a less often "thanks." Asian tourists usually enter the picture and suddenly you are surrounded by people who only want a bit of this sacred food.

Foto: Cynjen Romero

The kind of tacos they sell are the usual, but adobada style tacos (marinated meat) are the greatest, the meat is always tenderly cooking in a conical shape garnished by fire in the background, creating a very synchronized dance that gets interrupted when the "taquero" (the person who prepares the food) skillfully cuts the meat to finally make it land in a soft tortilla covered in greasy but delicious oil from the griddle.

Foto: Cynjen Romero

The result is a warm taco, no matter the time. The adobada meat has a tender texture, which combines perfectly with all the mixed spices used for the amazing flavor that creates an explosion in your mouth (plus, the sauce is out of this world). This is the right place for spicy food lovers, but if you're not one of them then just be careful, the taste of this meat is incredible with or without sauce.

But sadly, If you're looking for a more sea bream meat, then maybe you should not get close to this stand, because meat is always soft and easy to chew; however, you surely can't miss the chance of tasting these tacos, specially after a Friday night.

Foto: Cynjen Romero

The asada tacos (grilled meat) are the darkest part of this stand, because they are not the very best of their kind. Meat is kind of dry and looks a bit pink; the sauce's not that good either, so maybe you would like to skip this option.

Foto: Cynjen Romero

Next time you visit First Street go and try this delicacy, don't be fooled by the surroundings. Every taco lover should taste it and explore new flavor experiences.

Foto: Cynjen Romero

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