
'Coco' Becomes the Highest Grossing Movie in the History of Mexican Cinema

In a matter of DAYS

Disney and Pixar have delivered to Mexico the most viewed and highest-grossing film in the history of the country in just 19 days of exhibition.

The numbers are here and now Coco has raised the huge amount of 824 million pesos (approx. 43 million dollars), a figure that will be exceeded by the end of the day, fact that will officially place "Coco" as the highest grossing film in the cinematographic industry of Mexico, surpassing the 827 million pesos that The Avengers of Marvel raised in 2012.

It is worth mentioning that this film will be released at the end of the month in the United States, China and Russia, which will give a significant boost to earnings. This means another great success for the Disney family, and luckily, we' ll be able to enjoy more productions of this type.

Viva México!

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