
Airport – Ring Road project

Consists in completing the road circuit that communicates the entire city and that will connect the airport road with the International border

It’s 7:00 a.m. on a Wednesday morning. You’re waiting for the car in front of you to advance at least a few meters; that distance, however small, is relevant to feel at least that there is hope of getting to school faster and more safely, leaving the children on time their classes, or at least, not too late that the teachers will end up returning them back home. Some people would wish Chronos could help them get to work on time and free of stress in order to earn to earn that added value reflected in their bi-weekly paycheck. No matter how early you get up and leave at home, you never know what surprises you’ll come across along the way.

Traffic is one of the many dilemmas that Tijuana has had to face in recent years. The lack of roads and urban organization undoubtedly increase and potentiate the negative outlook of this great problem. Without a doubt, this is an area of opportunity that must be addressed for the benefit of citizens. The increase of vehicle numbers together with the increasing number of irregular cars – colloquially known as “chocolate cars” -, as well as a deficient road infrastructure and inadequate use of traffic lights, among other factors, has caused an excess of traffic that has made us seem like some sort of miniaturized version of Mexico City.

Because of this issue, Grupo Azvi has proposed a solution that will not only have immediate profitability, but also great benefits in the future. This is the Airport – Ring Road project; which consists in completing the road circuit that communicates the entire city and that will connect the airport road with the International border. Practically the vehicles that transit by this area will be able to take the direct route by paying a toll estimated in the value of a liter of fuel. It’s very simple: less traffic means less gasoline, a more efficient use of time, a better environment and a better quality of life.

Tijuana has had a huge population growth and like any developing city, it faces a great number of challenges. Our geographical position as neighbors of the state of California, which is considered as the fifth world economy, gives us the option of being a metropolitan region not only between the municipalities of the Baja California coast zone but also with San Diego in the neighboring country, so the vehicular flow requires living arteries that allow for efficient circulation. We have reached a point where the city can no longer grow horizontally; today the sky is explored with innovative constructions and vertical buildings.

We are the fourth most important city in Mexico; a locality that grows upwards. Besides generating jobs and increasing competitiveness, Tijuana is consolidated as well as an exemplary economic model at a national and international level. We see a clear example in our northern neighbor. Their tools work and it is time to put them into practice through functional bases. These are the projects that Tijuana residents deserve...... Continue reading article here


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