
Get your umbrella! Rain will arrive in Tijuana on Mother’s Day

Weather forecasts indicate possible rain for this day

During this entire week, from May 8 to May 12, 2023, there will be quite cool weather with cloudy skies and small chance of rain. However, on May 10, Mother’s Day, rain chances have been forecasted.

According to weather forecast website Meteored, on May 10, there is a 30% chance of rain. These rain chances will begin at 2 AM and continue all the way until 8 AM.


Throughout the rest of the day, it will be cloudy and if rain does happen, it will be light. On the other hand, one should always keep an eye on weather forecasts as they tend to change at a moment’s notice, which is why one should always be prepared.

Remember to always protect yourself from a sudden weather change and avoid flooded streets. Don’t leave garbage on the street so it doesn’t clog sewers. It is also convenient to keep an eye on official communication sources such as Tijuana’s Civil Protection Agency.

RELATED VIDEO: Chaos in the streets of Tijuana due to heavy rain


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