
How much rain is estimated for this rainy weekend in Tijuana?

Forecasts in the city are until Monday, but will it rain a lot?

Weather forecasts for this Friday, March 1, 2024 will extend until next Monday, casting doubt on how much rain is expected in Tijuana during these days.

Here is some detailed information shared by website Meteored, a website specialized in weather forecasts and monitoring.

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What will the weather in Tijuana be this weekend?

Friday, March 1: A 40% chance of rain for this Friday, with an estimated 0.5 mm of rainfall, and temperatures ranging between a minimum of 11°C and a maximum of 18°C.


Saturday, March 2: High 90% chances of rain, rainfall of 5.4 mm with minimum temperatures of 12°C and a maximum of 17°C.

Sunday, March 3: Less amount of rain is expected, approximately 2.6 mm, with a 70% chance of rain. Temperatures will drop, with a maximum of 16°C and a minimum of 11°C.

On Monday, similar weather conditions are expected though with a 30% chance of rain.

It is important to remember that on weather related issues, it is recommended to keep an eye on statements issued by Civil Protection Tijuana as weather conditions can change quickly.

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