Baja California

Welcome to Tijuana, the real one

A book from Tijuana natives to the rest of the world

Besides his nephew, several of his friends participated in the project in different ways, where he had photographers shared images, historians give him facts, and stories shared by people born and raised in this city. If you have anything you would like to share with the author please visit to get in touch with him .

Montaño is a Tijuana citizen that wants to change the image of the town, that image that the world has another version of, in which many citizens of Mexico share with the world as well.

"Welcome to Tijuana" is a book that is intended to be a postcard from Tijuana, which has been the author's motivation in changing the image of the city.

It's necessary to see another angle "We want people to get to know the real Tijuana, not the Tijuana that is presented to us by Lopez Doriga, which is a Tijuana full of violence and insecurity" mentioned the author about the purpose of this book.

Tijuana and the people in the city has definitely changed, and it is no longer a city that sheds blood, it's a nice town that brings many things to the table for the nation, here is where the busiest border in world is, and also where the entrance to Mexico lies that has a sign that says "Here is where motherland starts."

When asked the author about a sequel to the book and he said, "When we finished the book and began to present it in different forums and places, we began to gather more and more information that we didn't even have contemplated, so yes definitely there will be a second part in the short run and I'm positive it will be even better." Don't miss this great opportunity to get to know your own town, your own backyard, and its richness that is plastered in this edition, and be on the lookout for the second part that will most likely have more information and be even better.

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