
Intel presents "Perceptual Computing"

Technology that will change the way we interact with computers

This week, at the Customer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Intel presented "Perceptual Computing." Technology which they introduced that will change the way we interact with computers.

The term "Peceptual Computing" refers to the way that commands are given and returned from a computer. But the difference now from the old traditional ways like using a mouse, keyboard and "touch", is that now, commands can be made with simple movements, gestures, eye movements and voice recognition that will be processed through this new software.

In an on-stage demonstration conducted by the vice president of Intel's PC client group, Kirk Skaugen, he showed the audience how this would be done with certain movements in front of a camera.

Also in the demonstration, users witness how the camera was able to detect precisely in what direction Skaugen's eyes were looking at.

Kaugen said, "We are going to give PC's the same senses that we human beings have."

This is not something that we have not seen before, but this is the first time that we see a company as big as this one implement all of these dynamics in the world of personal computers.



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