Tijuana: Motorcycle Acrobats return to the municipal police

1 female officer is also a member of this group

After a tragic accident where a member of the motorcycle acrobat squad in Tijuana died, the program was canceled indefinitely.

Now 27 years later from that tragic day and with more than a year of petitioning for its return, the program will be once again launched.

Municipal officer, Francisco Ruvalcaba Santiago, who was once part of this group said, "It was a way for us to relieve some stress and stay in shape. We would participate in competitions and had good exhibitions where we were very successful until one of our members unfortunately lost his life."

The authorization for this program was given by the Municipal Ministry of Public Safety and Security, in which 11 members from the municipal police will participate in this group including one female member. Her name is Liliana Galvan who in an interview with the newspaper Milenio said, "I have always liked motorcycles and they have always caught my attention and interest. There are no female members in this group and I'm proud to be part of this with them. I like to come and practice with the group and to start this program again is a great thing."

You can view the history of this group at the Museum of Tijuana, located on 2nd street in the downtown area.

All of the officers who will be members of this group are from different stations from all over the city, and are still expected to complete their duties.

This has been considered by the municipal authorities as an extra-curricular activity, in which all members are going to manage their times for practice, but without forgetting their duties as officers which is to protect the community.




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