Mexico, Possibly Not a Tourist Destination Anymore

Recent statistics have pointed to two factors

Mexico’s Secretary of Tourism, Claudia Ramirez Massieu, said that the nation could disappear from the first top 10 spots in the list of the best destinations to go to in the world. Just in 2012, tourism had dropped by 1.2%.

In regards to the reason for this problem Massieu spoke very little of. But recent statistics have pointed to two factors: the violence at the border and at the center of the country. Also the addition to low arrival of ship cruises at Mexican ports. Another important reason is the increased competition. Countries such as Russia, Malaysia and Austria have reconstructed what they offer travelers, which has now made Mexico face this new challenge. Something that Carlos Vogeler, regional director of the World Tourism Organization, has emphasized that the international competition is a big factor.

Cases like the violence in Tamaulipas and the rape of some tourists in Acapulco are incidents that can happen anywhere in the world, which tourists have understood that what happens in these regions is not nationwide, so other destinations like Cancun remain among the most sought after.


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