Jorge Astiazaran : The cure for Tijuana

The candidate speaks about his proposals

Jorge Astiazaran Orci, candidate for mayor of Tijuana from the "Commitment to Baja California" alliance, shared with SanDiegored his proposals and vision after nearly two months of intense campaigning.

From his campaign headquarters office in the America neighborhood, Astiazaran reinforces his commitment to this border city, which as a doctor said he has detected some illnesses, but just like he has done with his patients, he also considers of having the remedy for Tijuana in his hands.

What's your diagnosis for the city?

The city is very ill and is living with many problems, especially unemployment. Adults who are 35 years and older complain about the lack of opportunities, and also young college graduates cannot find jobs. I see another Tijuana now, where if there was poverty 15 years ago, it has turned into misery now... There is a lack of responsibility by the three tiers of government, because at times there are many resources that are available for certain areas, but they neglect those who need it the most.

After going around Tijuana, what kind of candidate do you consider yourself now?

Fortunately, up until two years ago of being in the Red Cross, I realized of all of the violence and of all of the need that exists. It has in a way given me more strength to work harder and have more desire of wanting to be mayor and forming a good team to work together for the city of Tijuana. The Mayor should not just be a good administrator, but also a good manager.

What projects will you promote for the benefit of the citizens?

A Road infrastructure project, the city requires roads that connect different areas of the city, especially in the east, this is a gray area where there are no green areas, it needs some parks, sports centers, and a hospital in this area. The "Blvd Dos Mil" road has one or two bridges crossing it, we have to find resources for that area and the south, the resources are there, but we must use them. Also, the Sanchez Taboada area is very abandoned as well.

There are certain details at a glance that make the difference like the green areas that were adopted by the private sector. Will it stay this way or will the city take control of this now?

Tijuana needs some "makeup", its common sense, how can it be possible that our medians have grass and not have enough people to clean them. I envision a Tijuana with green trees, because the landscape looks different. We want Tijuana to be attractive and competitive to foreign or domestic investors so that they would want to remain in this city.

When they enter through the Otay border crossing or the El Chaparral, we want them to see a well-lit and clean city that has traffic control, because the city is in chaos. We need to strengthen traffic police and fine not only those who commit moving violations, but also those who throw trash in public. And if these fines are very expensive, then they can do community service. This now means that we will be seeing hundreds of citizens from Tijuana with vests weeding, painting or cleaning up illegal dumping areas. There will be zero tolerance, no matter who it is.

What role can or should Tijuana play in order to improve Mexico's image?

Security, it is very important that the people of Tijuana feel safe. Our friends from the "North" to need to see a clean city, because when we crossed the border and walk towards the downtown area, it becomes an issue of odors and conditions that must be kept clean, maintain order. How much will it cost to maintain safe, and how much does lighting cost? Having a competitive offer to the tourists who come to San Diego, who tell us that they don't get enough of Old Town because sometimes prices are cheaper there. We must be attractive and competitive. On the other hand the municipal government has to reengineer its processes for opening businesses faster, we have to offer tax incentives and not charge for the use of land or the neon signs in the first year. We have to encourage investors. If someone wants to open a business where jobs will be created and promises to hire people over age 35, single women, mothers and people with disabilities, then these incentives will directed towards them in accordance with the city council.

What is your proposal to regulate those who live in the Tijuana River channel?

It is a serious problem that must be resolved; an agreement between the three levels of government to support those who have problems with addiction is needed. State and municipal governments need to pay the rehabilitation centers for these addicts to recover and empower them to return to their place of origin.

We need to also do a background check on this people to see if they have any criminal matters pending and refer them to the appropriate bodies. Once they are given the support that is needed, then we must secure that area and maintain that area as a high priority area and not allow people to stay there overnight or wander around.

If you become the next Mayor of Tijuana, what do you have in mind to support the scientific and technological community of the city, startups and research venues?

There is a lot of technology that is created in Tijuana. I did a tour through the BIT Center and I was surprised of the how the youth in Tijuana are developing aerospace and medical technology. Let's restart an incubator for young people in the BIT Center to provide the necessary tools to develop. We must support them and promote them.

For you what are the binational relationship issues? Which of them is the most important? And what will you do about it?

Border crossings: The international border crossings are a problem that are not fixed in Tijuana, they are dealt with in Washington and in Mexico City. It is important to have a good relationship with the mayor of San Diego. Right now the relationship is close and it needs to be strengthened so we can continue to work together. I hope that in 2014 the border crossing is remodeled, and that it becomes and important issue for the Federal Government, because that's one of the things that keeps people from the U.S. from visiting, and not so much because of the insecurity but by the three waiting time to get back into the U.S.

- Having better restaurants and hotels

- The issue of security

- The exchange of information

- Agreements in case of natural disasters in order to provide mutual aid

- Modules for information on the city

What interests lay with San Diego in regards to Tijuana through Mayor Bob Filner?

Not only the mayor, but with the business community in general. I was fortunate to be present on the presentation of a project to remodel the center of Tijuana, where some architects from San Diego talked to several investors who are eager to partner up for the development of downtown Tijuana. There is a great future and many opportunities that we should not let go to waste. Having San Diego as neighbors is something that favors Tijuana.

What are your thoughts on possibly having a Binational Olympic event and how will you support this initiative?

It is an excellent idea from Bob Filner that Carlos Bustamante agreed with, which they both went and discussed it with the President and the Mexican Olympic Committee. This would be great because of the mere fact that the city of Tijuana would be one of the first cities to host a Binational Olympic event, where a lot of investors would be interested in investing in this city that would give it a 360 degrees spin.



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