
Boycott against the IVA equalization

Advances and possible scenarios

On February 12th, Mexican fiscal history's largest collective boycott took place. With over 58,000 signatures collected, nine pallets with 700,000 sheets of paper were collected, containing demands, signature sheets and annexes.

The first hearing was programmed for March 20th and differed to April 22nd, the date during which Mexico's president, Enrique Pena Nieto, asked the judge in Mexico City to suspend the procedure so that a concentration request could be held.

During an interview with Business Conexion, the fiscal lawyer, Adolfo Solis Farias, who is in charge of the border citizens' legal defense, indicated that when the President's interruption with regard to the boycott demand was detected, he complained before the judiciary because the President's goal was to extend by five years the use this legal resource.

The process called a concentration request establishes that if various boycotts regarding the same subject are presented, any of the parts can solicit to concentrate the files into a single one, "the President saw that there was a judge in the state of Mexico in favor of the governmental ideals who had been positioned by the government and requested the concentration before this judge," he commented.

In addition, "the judge requested that the judge in Tijuana suspend the procedure," and scan a copy with the demand, which would generate a five year delay for the process, manifested Solis Farias.

When he detected this "government process trick," the tax lawyer decided to present a complaint before the Organism Creation Commission, who did not attend to his demand, he then turned to the Federal Judiciary Council to present a complaint, the Council undertook the consideration in a timely manner and ordered to end the suspension.

Based on this, a new hearing was set for June 9th; it was then differed to July 16th, the day that the Third District Judge from Tijuana, Blanca Evelia Parra, sent the file to a court in Culiacan, Sinaloa, where the state will decide the sentence. That day, with the absence of the President's fiscal expert, the Third District Judge allowed two Judicial Power experts to give their opinion, they basically agreed with the general public on the reform's negative effects.

It is important to emphasize that on behalf of the... Continue reading article here

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