5 Foods that Keep You Thin

Studies indicate your stomach may feel fuller when you eat calories from foods that require more chewing.

You don't need fancy plans or complicated point systems to be thin. All you need to do is make smart food choices, watch your portion sizes and stay active. "The emphasis should be on choosing healthful foods every day and changing lifestyles for the better."

Apples: Apples are a good source of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber not only contributes to a healthy digestive system and reduced cholesterol.

A study in the journal "Appetite" found that when women added either three apples or three pears to their daily meals, they lost more weight than people who added three oat cookies to their diets

Almonds: If you're looking for a tasty midday snack, a handful of almonds are a well-regarded option. A study in 2009 in "The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" found that women who ate nuts at least two times a week were more successful at keeping weight off than those who didn't eat this food.

One ounce of this food contains only 167 calories, plus it packs roughly 6 g of protein and 3 g of fiber, both nutrients that can make you feel full.

Salmon: If you're uncertain about fish, there's no need to fear. Seafood can be part of a healthy diet. A study published in the "International Journal of Obesity" found that when dieters ate salmon a few times a week, they lost about two more pounds than those who didn't include seafood in their meals.

And in spite of the mention of salmon's fat content, the food is relatively low in calories.

Eggs: Research has shown that eating eggs at breakfast can help you fight weight gain all day long. A study reported in 2008 in the "International Journal of Obesity" found that when dieters ate two eggs for breakfast for five days out of the week, they lost 65 percent more weight than dieters who consumed a bagel in the morning.

Tomatoes: The tomato is the world's most popular fruit with more than 60 million tons produced worldwide, botanically, the tomato is a fruit. However, in 1893, the U.S. Supreme Court declared it as a vegetable.

An excellent source of Vitamins A and C, source of potassium, Vitamin B6 and thiamin.

Rich in lycopene, Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that decreases the risk of certain cancers and heart disease


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