U.S. immigration reform: A light at the end of the tunnel

More families live with the hope of being benefited

Can Latinos no longer be considered as a minority due to that they are the fastest growing demographic in the United States, and accounted for 10% of total votes last week?

State Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, said last week to the media that "the conservative movement should be on the side of minorities and immigrant communities that are trying to get ahead, and the Republicans need to do more to communicate our faith in them."

The Latino communities make up most of the support for Obama, and believe that his success was due to their vote, which according to reports from the polling agency Reutors and Ipsos, this time the percentage rose by 66% compared to the elections four years ago.

Although many Republicans have tried to ally with Democrats, as in the case of Senators Charles Schumer (D) and Lindsey Graham (R), whom both have now planned to come together to create a path for them to become American citizens, and those who are illegally in the country and meet the requirements, which it is estimated that around 11.2 million people will see the benefit from this.

Many still don't trust Republicans because they have been disappointed in the past, and have expressed their distrust by saying that Republicans say one thing and do something entirely different.

Such is the case in Arizona of Governor Jan Brewer that disagrees with Obama on this issue, and is one of the people who stands firm in their position when it comes to immigration, which he does not change and apparently it will never change.

With so many confusing messages the community still does not feel safe, many still live in fear, and some are afraid to go to work and are unable to return to their families.

Fear of being deported and having to leave their young children or having to take them back to their home country, where their children cannot enjoy the benefits that they are entitled to by law as an American citizen.

The Republicans will have to find a way for the Latino community to trust them, after all until today, it is still believed that they are the ones who are deciding in which direction the country is heading towards.

Of course there are some of those who say that it's not that they don't trust Republicans and just support all Democrats, which is the case of 22-year Edder Diaz, a young man born in Mexico who actively participated in these past elections in Phoenix, Arizona. He is in a neutral position and does not deny the possibility that someday his vote will be for the red party, and that maybe one day thanks to that party he can finally obtain legal residency in the United States.

Diaz told Reuters "Personally, I consider myself an independent person; if a Republican understands my needs I might vote for them, but so far they have only been playing a political game just to see who stays in power."

Like him, many have taken this stance and is just waiting to see what decisions will be taken, which they hope that it's the correct one for the majority.


Translation : Omar.Martinez@sandiegored.com


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