NASA receives hundreds of "Doomsday" phone calls

300 calls per hour

SAN DIEGO, CA. - Although it's past 12:00p.m., December 21st, which according to the interpretation of the Mayan Calendar was the date in which was to be "the end of the world." NASA has been receiving up to 300 calls an hour from people asking about the supposed phenomenon.

J.D. Harrington, a spokesman for NASA, told several members of the media that "people are afraid, they're scared," referring to the calls that NASA has received and added, "they believe everything they read on the Internet, and even though most respected news organizations have already denied this, they do not want to believe it. "

According to the information that has been provided, NASA continues to receive calls asking what time will the world end and what kind of phenomena will happen if there's 3 days of darkness.

NASA has provided a website where they explain why this doomsday theory is wrong, and encourage all Internet users who want to know the truth to visit the site:

"Everyone should make plans for the weekend," said Harrington with a smile, "otherwise they will end up not doing anything on Saturday."


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