New initiative introduced to deny "Anchor Babies" citizenship

"Click here to ask your representative to support this great law"

CHICAGO. – A couple of U.S. conservative groups are conducting an intense campaign over the internet to support the HR-140. An initiative sponsored by Republican Steve King who is seeking to veto U.S. citizenship rights to children born on U.S. soil to undocumented parents.

The initiative is called the Birthright Citizenship Act of 2013 and was submitted to Congress on January 3.

The HR-140 establishes that citizenship could only be granted if one parent is a citizen or permanent resident of the country or at least one of them is an "alien" but serving in the U.S. military.

This new initiative is receiving the support of such groups like California for Population Stabilization (CAPS), who is sending notifications to all their followers to support this proposal.

"Click here to ask your representative to support this great law," CAPS posts on the internet.

"Our current policy encourages women to enter the United States illegally to get citizenship for these anchor babies," said the message sent by CAPS

This group believes that in these situations the Department of Homeland Security is "reluctant to deport illegal parents of a child who is born here."

VDare.Com and NumbersUSA.Com, along with other groups are actively seeking the support for this bill which is the first one introduced in the new legislative period.

"Our policy of granting automatic citizenship to children of illegals is insane and must be stopped," is written on the blog of VDare.Com.

King is seeking to amend "section 301 of the Immigration and Citizenship Act: Nationals and Citizens of the United States at Birth."

Hispanic activists in Iowa, and the home state of Republican Congressman, have expressed opposition to this initiative that was also submitted earlier in 2011 but stalled in a committee in the House of Representatives.

"The future of America depends on our children; we must accept them and educate them. Congressman Steve King is far from reality," Ila R. Placencia told Efe agency, who is also president of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Council #206 in Des Moines (Iowa).

Plascencia said that Latinos are the fastest growing group in the country, and that the future of the U.S. is through the development of this community.

"We, Latinos, and our U.S. citizen children are the ones who will help manage the country," said the activist.

Jorge Mujica, who is a renowned activist from Chicago, said the King proposal is an attempt to balance the Republican politics after members of the party like, Florida Senator. Marco Rubio wants to present his own version of an immigration reform.

"Someone on the far right of the Republican Party has come out against immigrants," Mujica told Efe, who also doubts the chances of success of the HR-140.


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