British newspaper apologizes for "mistake" against Mexican President and Televisa

They could not confirm the validity of the documents

British newspaper "The Guardian" released a statement, where they apologize for linking the Mexican media channel "Televisa" with Mexico's newly elected President, Enrique Peña Nieto, who they accused them both of manipulating the media for Peña Nieto's presidential campaign in 2012.

Shortly before the federal elections held in 2012, The Guardian published a series of documents which showed the payment of various advertising services for Peña Nieto, while he was still serving as Governor for the State of Mexico.

For many, this was done for the preparation of Peña Nieto's political image as an individual, and the creation of a figure who would be elected as the next president of Mexico. But, Televisa has always denied these accusations.

Today, The Guardian accepted that they made a mistake and could not confirm the validity of the documents that were published, and chose to resolve their differences with the Mexican media giant amicably.


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