Jorge Astiazaran rejects the use of violence from any political party

They will investigate the attacks

The candidate for mayor of Tijuana from the "Commitment for Baja California" alliance, Jorge Astriazaran, rejects the use of violence from any political party, especially against Jorge Monraz or any member of his brigade, and said that the recent attacks will investigated.

"The most important thing is to respect people and this kind of aggression is unacceptable. This is a political race which on July 7 there will be a winner. On July 8 we'll continue to see each other in Tijuana. Therefore, it's very important that we respect the people of Tijuana, and respect each other's way of thinking. I do not accept nor will tolerate such aggressions of any kind from any party, including mine. I did not see the aggression, but if it was an attack by a supporter or volunteer from this coalition, of course I would ask for an apology, "said the candidate.

VIDEO: The attack (Courtesy of AFN News)

After several images and videos started to circulate through various social networks, some citizens pointed out to a few irregularities that questioned the accusations made by the "United for Baja California" alliance. For example, the time difference between video and photos. In the video you can notice a good amount of daily light still, which unlike in the photos, they look like they may have been taking much later in the night.

Looking at these photos many questions were raised like "how long the victim was bleeding?", "Were the photos taken before or after the debate?", "Monraz did not show up to the debate in that condition…?.


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