Porn Industry continues on hold in Los Angeles

So far 4 actors have tested HIV positive

A few weeks ago, the Porn industry in Los Angeles has come to a halt due to the fact that an actress had tested positive for HIV.

The industry continues to be on hold due to this, and after testing many of the other actors, another 4 of them have tested positive for HIV as well. In one of the cases the actor decided to confess that he was infected.

"Due to doctor-patient confidentiality, we cannot comment on the specific details or the names of the actors" This is the response the "Huffington Post" received via e-mail from a spokesman from the Los Angeles Health department.

Many organizations as well as actors are demanding that the use of condoms in pornographic movies be mandatory, given that although they do not work in hazardous conditions per say, contracting deadly STDs due to the lack of safety measures as simple as condoms does seem like a reasonable demand.


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