Former Mexican President Vicente Fox debuts in Television

He will be the host of "The age of Definitions" on TV Azteca

Former Mexican President, Vicente Fox, decided to try his luck in show business starting a new cycle in his career as a host on the new show "La Era de las Definiciones (The age of definitions) which airs on the TV Azteca network.

This project presents a panel of experts which debate a determined subject; for their first subject they exposed the pros and cons of the legalization of marijuana.

With the participation of prominent figures like Ruben Aguilar, consultant in UNICEF, UNESCO, OEA and BID; Fernando Belaunzarán, congressman for the political party PRD, and Lisa Sanchez, member of the non-profit organization Transform Drug policy Foundation and MUCD.

After arguing about the pros and cons of that removing the penalization of this drug would imply, the discussion ended with the information that "No person has died of an overdose of smoking marijuana, and in order to die due to marijuana consumption, you would need to consume a metric ton in 15 minutes" which is practically impossible.

In July of this year, the Former president stated that he was in favor of legalizing marijuana, and he made a commitment to due more research on the medical applications of the drug, with the purpose of creating permits which would allow the distribution of the drug legally.

As an advocate and defender of the drug, this caused a great controversy and commotion on behalf of the catholic church, who questioned the politicians "true intentions", forcing him to publicly clear up the situation and even swearing that he had never consumed the drug.

VIDEO: The age of definitions


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