Vicente Fox: "Mexico also spies"

The former mexican president speaks out about US spying allegations

SPAIN.-"It's nothing new that there is spying on all governments of the world, including Mexico's. I don't know why all of the sudden Mexico is offended if they also have their intelligence agencies, research and espionage. We're all being spied on. All citizens, anywhere in the world" declared Vicente Fox, former president of Mexico in an interview for MVS Noticias when he was questioned about the US espionage.

The former president mentioned that he's also been spied on, and not just by the United States. He made a reference to the Cuban spying case, when Fidel Castro made a phone conversation between him and Fox public, held before a United Nations summit in the Mexican city of Monterrey during 2002. The incident was known as "you show up, you have dinner, and you leave" given that during the conversation, Fox requested Castro not to engage then American President George W. Bush, and simply show up to the event and go back to Cuba after the meal was over. Fox reiterated that although it became a public and international scandal back then, no one condemned it for being Cuban espionage.

"What every person and every government should learn is that there shouldn't be anything to hide, transparency should be total" Vicente Fox added "...Of course the United States Government is spying all day, the Mexican government does it, the Spanish Government, Russian, Indian, all of them".

Fox made it quite clear that he didn't understand what all this scandal was about and he added that in the case of Felipe Calderon, his being upset was merely a way of getting attention. The former Mexican President also took the time to speak about the incoherence of the United States' attitude when faced with theWikileaks and Edward Snowden controversy since the country also is accused of spying on public and private information.

*With information from MVS Noticias.


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