
A Round Up of "AGROBAJA 2014"

Baja California exhibits the richness of its land and the great diversity of its waters

AgroBaja, a unique agricultural and fishing exhibition on the border between Mexico and the United States, successfully held its 14th edition, with an attendance of approximately 60,000 visitors and 731 agricultural machinery, seeds, vegetables, sea products, handicrafts, gastronomic delights, micro-industry and agro-industry stands, among others exhibitors.

Companies from Mexico, the United States, Canada, Nederlands, Russia, Israel, as well as buyers from the United States, Canada, China and Mexican supermarket chains like Soriana, Grupo Ley, Santa Fe, Calimax, and Comercial Mexicana, among others, participated in this event.

AgroBaja also offered a display of national delicacies with companies from 26 Mexican states, including 16 from Puebla, who offered delicious food that captivated the audience with sweets, mole, jams and gourmet beverages derived from coffee, vanilla, bananas and apples; as well as 12 Oaxacan producers who impressed the public with honey, sauces, cheese, cream, mezcal and food preserves.

During the event, 19 lectures were held, including one called... Continue reading article here

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