Super Heroes with a Rennaissance Twist

A French Photographer Brings a New Take on Popular Characters

Superheroes are the current icons of pop culture, at the box office, and they have even replaced fables as a way to teach values and social problems in the fictional genre. And now, they have even taken over the art of photography.

French photographer Sacha Goldberger, took up his camera and photographed superheroes as they would have looked in the sixteenth century. Some of the superheroes depicted include The Joker, Hulk, Wonder Woman, Iron Man, Superman, and Captain America.

The project, which is called Super Flemish, shows these popular heroes in their typical costume but with a Renaissance twist. The images were published portal web, on his website with a brief description of the project


He even includes characters from Star Wars in his project

Goldberger describes the project as a way to apply Renaissance Technique to humanize super heroes.


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