Gay Couple Finally Gets Married In Mexicali

After five attempts and even religious opposition

MEXICALI.- Just when the City from this northern border town was starting to get national and international attention on social media for their reluctance to wed a same-sex couple, protected by a Supreme Court order that allowed them to get married in the sate, the City relented and on Saturday, made history by registration the first gay marriage in Baja California.

Making the moment official. Image: @el_chepo/Twitter
Making the moment official. Image: @el_chepo/Twitter

Even though Víctor Manuel Aguirre and Víctor Fernando Urías had the protection of the Mexico's Supreme Court , Mexicali's local civil marriage office made the couple jump through several hoops most heterosexual couples aren't submitted to, from supposedly wrong signatures to even denying them a certificate that proves they attended the premarital meetings required by law.

The gay flag on Mexicali's City Hall. Image: Edgar Nuñez source Twitter/@edgarmexicali
The gay flag on Mexicali's City Hall. Image: Edgar Nuñez source Twitter/@edgarmexicali

Then, out of nowhere but not surprising, a lawsuit against them was filled by the Baja California's Family Association, saying that they both suffered from "madness", since legally, mental illness can be a reason for the state to deny them the right to marry. On Saturday, a trial judge determined the complaint to be baseless, and under the increasing social (and legal) pressure from Baja California citizens, activist and even foreign media, the city's Registry Office agreed to married them in during a ceremony held outside City Hall.

Even Mexicali's mayor, Jaime Díaz Ochoa, who last week was accused of being responsible for maneuvering behind the scenes against the marraige, came out to congratulate the couple and stated that he "respects human rights". At he same time, a protest against homophobia began at City Hall and marched through several blocks, organized over the past few days as a way of supporting the couple.

Source: Animal Político

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