
Tijuana Wins Mexico's First National Muggle Quidditch Cup

The Qwertyrians became champions after defeating Guerreros de Quetzalcoatl in DF

TIJUANA.- When fiction becomes reality. The sport that was born through the Harry Potter films or through our imagination while reading the books has gone into the real world, with teams that have transformed said "sport" into a union of very important events in several countries, among them Mexico.

You don't have to go very far to find enthusiast that are willing to brave the jokes and stares. The city of Tijuana has it's own team, called "The Qwertyrians", and who just recently won the 1st National Muggle Quidditch Cup this past weekend, during a tournament that took place in Mexico City alongside six other Muggle quidditch teams.

There is also a Mexican Quidditch Association, very much present in social media and the ones who organized this event. Surely, in no time these types of events will become very important for many around the world.

Heres are some of the key elements of muggle quidditch:

    Broom: Characteristic element, you should always keep it between your feet Hoops: The quaffle must who through these hoops, if it only hits it but does not goes through you must try again Quaffle: Main ball (half inflated volleyball), should go through hoops to score points Bludger: A bludger is a half inflated ball used to play dodgeball and, you also need to get this one through the hoops Snitch: A small ball inside a sock which is strapped to the waist of a neutral player


Keeper: In charge of stopping the quaffle
Keeper: In charge of stopping the quaffle
Chasers: Throw quaffle around and score points
Chasers: Throw quaffle around and score points
Beater: The make the chasers job easier
Beater: The make the chasers job easier
Seeker: Only player who can leave the field to look for the snitch
Seeker: Only player who can leave the field to look for the snitch

Quidditch is a sport that already has had many references in films, including a UCLA documentary, and the film "The Internship" starring Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn.

Last, but not least we congratulate the winners of the 1st Muggle Quidditch Cup:

    Alberto Santillán- Captain Gonzalo Dávalos- Keeper Jesús Rosas- Beater Gerardo Orozco- Beater Guadalupe Martínez- Beater Thalía Quintero- Beater Tanya de la Rosa- Beater Saúl Arrayales-Beater Abraham Telumbre-Beater Esteban Medina- Chaser Ricardo Arreola- Chaser Rubén Vázquez- Chaser Andrés Quintanar- Chaser Sara Aguiar- Chaser Kathy Tornero- Chaser Karla Burgos- Chaser Haydeé Acosta- Chaser Pamela Acuña- Chaser Leonardo Hernández- Seeker

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