
Mexico Declines Hosting World Swimming Championships

CONADE will loose around 15,000,000 dollars

MEXICO.- Very bads news came in today when the Mexico's National Sports Commission (CONADE in Spanish) publicly announced that they declined they offer of organizing the 2017 World Swimming Championship, which would had taken place in the city of Guadalajara.

The main reason of their decline is due to a budget law (increase and decrease in taxes), which made it imposible for the championship to be held in the country.

The International Swimming Federation (FINA) has been notified of the decision, as was assured by CONADE's Jesús Mena who mentioned that FINA's representatives are very dissapointed about it.

CONADE will have to pay 5,000,000 dollars as punishment, adding up to the amount they had already paid for the realization of this event, making it a total of 15,000,000 dollars.

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With information from ESPN

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