Mexican Presidency Denies First Daughter Flew To School On Government Helicopter

Controversy after opposition writer post photograph of supposed joy ride

MEXICO.- Yesterday, after Denise Dresser, a renowned writer and political analyst posted on her Twitter account a photograph where supposedly the daughter of Mexican President, Enrique Peña Nieto, Paulina Peña, arrived at her university via helicopter, making this event go viral within minutes.

The photograph of the alleged joy ride actually took place on March 11th, but became relevant yesterday after news broke that the Federal Secretary for Water Administration, David Korenfeld, used a public helicopter for family events, so Dresser posted the photo with her claim about it being Peña inside the aircraft. But the incident has now been clarified by the Federal Government's Secretary of Social Communication, furthermore, Denisse Dresser has posted a tweet clarifying the situation.

Carlos Peralta, the owner of the helicopter, assures that he was the one who was inside and that it was him who arrived at Anáhuac on March 11th. This multimillion dollar businessman is no stranger to the presidential family. Aside from having his son study in the same university as Paulina Peña (this being the reason why he lends his helicopter),

President Peña Nieto and First Lady Angélica Rivera are godfathers to one of Peralta's children. Likewise, Peralta was present in Peña Nieto's most recent State of the Union Report, telling reporters just how much he supports the President, saying things such as : "This is the end of a phase. Mexico's Reform. Operations will come. Airports, subways… A prosper society! Everything leads to work. To investment. It's time we start working."

Carlos Peralta and President Enrique Peña Nieto
Carlos Peralta and President Enrique Peña Nieto

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