
Are You Overweight? Diabetes, Stroke or a Heart Attack May All Be At Your Door Step

Your DNA cannot be changed, but you are in control of your lifestyle and diet if you choose to be

Both Strokes and Heart Disease are invited risks if you have Diabetes that is either left untreated or is out of control. Being overweight adds fuel to this risk. This is a threat that you can control if you are alerted that diabetes could be fatal. An uncontrollable risk is having a family member who has had diabetes, a heart attack or a stroke. Age of that family member is also taken into consideration.

If they had cardiac arrest prior to 55 years old for men and 65 years old for women, that plays a predominate role in your DNA. That very much increases your likelihood of following in that pattern even more so, unless you take measures to modify your lifestyle to reduce the danger of that shortened life that is facing you.

Your DNA cannot be changed, but you are in control of your lifestyle and diet if you choose to be. Some of the dangerous elements listed below can be intentionally modified. I didn't say it would be easy, however it is very possible.

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    Carrying excess weight around your midsection or waistline rather than your hips. If your waist is greater than 40 inches for a male and greater than 35 inches for a female, indicates that your central area is obese.

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That is indicative of higher threat of heart problems considering that the stomach fat could raise the production of LDL bad cholesterol, the kind of blood fat that could be transferred on to the walls of the blood vessels causing a narrower path for the blood to flow.

    Having an unusual amount of blood fat levels of LDL cholesterol, accumulating on the inside of your blood vessels, most likely will result in narrowing as well as hardening of your arteries – these are the capillaries that carry the blood from the heart to the remainder of the physical body. Your Arteries may very well end up being obstructed. Consequently, heart problems are a threat if you have a high amounts of LDL which is (bad) cholesterol.
    Triglycerides are an additional kind of blood fat that could increase your danger of cardiovascular disease with an elevated degree of triglycerides are found.

HDL, cholesterol that is good, eliminates the deposits from within your blood vessels taking them to the liver for elimination. Reduced levels of HDL cholesterol raises your danger of heart problems.

(Note: According to, HDL (high density lipoprotein) is the "good" cholesterol.

It acts like a cholesterol dump truck, gathering "bad" cholesterol from the arteries and carrying it back to the liver for clearance. This heart protective effect may even slow the buildup of plaque in the arterial walls of the heart.

HDL may also have some anti-inflammatory effects that are beneficial to your heart. That's why you want your HDL to be high, so it can better carry out these responsibilities and protect your ticker. 5 Foods you can eat to increase your HDL are:

#1 are Nuts, from walnuts to almonds, peanuts, pistachios, pecans, and hazelnuts are all good sources of heart-healthy fats and are great to add to your diet to increase your intake. Add nuts to cereal, yogurt, salad, stir fries, pasta dished or rice. You can eat them raw, baked or lightly toasted.

Number 2 are Seafood, #3 is Olive Oil, #4 avocados, and #5 oatmeal.

High Blood Pressure, also known as hypertension, requires your heart more of a challenge to function pumping the blood.

Hypertension may stress the heart, do damage to the capillaries, and also raise the threat of a heart attack, stroke, problems with eyes and also issues with your kidneys.

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    Cigarette Smoking increases your risk of suffering from heart disease by 2 times. If you want to live, you may want to QUIT smoking cigarettes. This is particularly crucial for folks with diabetic issues due to the fact that both smoking cigarettes and sugar diabetes narrow the blood vessels. Cigarette smoking raises the risk of additional long-lasting issues, such as eye troubles. Furthermore, smoking cigarettes, may ruin the capillaries in your legs as well as raise the threat of amputation.

Is There a Way That I Can Avoid or Delay Heart Disease or a Stroke?

Yes, it is possible for you to maintain your heart and your blood vessels and keep them balanced and healthy even if you are considered a high risk. That is the fortunate thing with Diabetes. It can be controlled under doctor's advice by you if you choose. You must be serious about this disease and about adhering to the following actions:

    Fiber in your diet is important. According to The Global Heart Foundation, "For every 1,000 calories that you eat, you should be conscious of having 14 grams of fiber in that food source. Food high in fiber often assists in lowering blood cholesterol. Oat Bran, oat meal, whole-grain cereals and breads, dried peas and beans such as pinto, kidney beans, and black-eyed peas, fresh fruits as well as fresh veggies are all excellent choices of fiber." The amount of fiber should be increased in your diet plan progressively to prevent intestinal issues. Your digestive system must work harder (thus it burns more calories) to assimilate the fiber and excrete the wastes.

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    Reduce the saturated fats in your diet. Saturated fats increases your blood cholesterol levels. You find saturated fats in meats, chicken, other fowl skin, butter and other dairy items which contains fat, shortening, lard, and tropical oils for example coconut oil and palm oil. Your dietitian or doctor may determine the number of grams of saturated fat you may have in your daily diet.
    Your diet should contain less than 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day to keep you healthy. You find cholesterol in meat, dairy products, and eggs.
    You also must watch the amount of Trans-fat that you are taking in in your diet regimen. Keep the trans-fat to a minimum. Trans-fats in foods seems to raise the blood cholesterol. Limit your consumption of cookies, crackers, junk foods, commercially prepared cakes and pies mixes, backed goods, microwave popcorn, salad dressings, fried foods, as well as various other foods made with partly hydrogenated oil. On top of that, some kinds of margarine as well as vegetable shortening have trans-fats. Read the Nutrition Details section on food package itself to determine the trans-fat in the product before buying it. HEALTHY LIVING will be a whole new experience and will open your eye to what you are feeding your precious body. We only get one in our lifetime, so we MUST take care of it to live a healthy and happy life. With treatment and care we can fix this Diabetic disease and reduce our risks of Heart Disease and what may be worse is a Stroke.
    If you SMOKE, QUIT, give it up. That is narrowing your blood vessels. Blood cells are harmed through the chemicals in the tobacco smoke. The function of the blood vessels and you heart's function are also damaged. About 1 in every 5 deaths in the United States each year is caused by smoking. Every organ in your body is harmed by smoking including the heart, blood vessels, reproductive organs, lungs, bones, eyes, digestive organs, mouth and bladder. However, we are focusing on how it affects the heart and blood vessels. Smoking cigarettes leads to not such a good death.
    Get your doctor's advice on assistance with methods to stop smoking cigarettes.
    Confer with your physician whether you need to take a low dose aspirin each day or even sometime they advise one in the morning and one at night. Research has revealed that low does aspirin every day may help in reducing the threat of heart problems as well as strokes. Nevertheless, aspirin is not safe for everybody, so you must consult your medical professional. If the doctor wants you to take it, he/she will determine the proper dosage for your body. Our bodies are unique to each of us. None of us are the same, nor do we react to medications the same, so let the doctor determine this and monitor this if it is new to your special body.
    Should you have a TIA, known as a transient ischemic attack, get IMMEDIATE TREATMENT. Very EARLY therapy for TIAs, also known as Mini-Strokes, could aid in preventing or delaying a stroke in the future. TIAs are nothing to mess with! Indications of a TIA are unexpected weakness, vertigo or loss of balance, confusion, tingling or feeling numb, loss of sight in one or both eyes, seeing double, slurred speech, or an intense headache.

Reconstruct Your Eating Habits

Here is a fun website that will aid in keeping you honest with your log of Calories, how many carbohydrates a food has in it. How much Sodium (very important for blood pressure), Trans-fat, Protein, Fiber, Cholesterol and everything you need to know. It is a great tool to have on hand when you are thinking of choosing your food for breakfast, lunch, supper or snack. Try it! You'll love this tool.

Why Calories and Why Carbohydrates? Is there a Difference?

Let's talk about calories. Calories are the energy with which a food fuels your body. Carbohydrates are the number of grams of carbs which result in sugar also known as glucose that are in the foods that we choose. It's a challenge to keep track of either one. However, the website which I have given the link above simplifies that effort. So, you can start your log today, because it is easily accessible from your smart phone or computer. This is important for a longer healthier life. Getting only 15 pounds off made an incredible difference in my diabetes blood sugar numbers.

To lose weight, it is imperative that your keep your blood sugar as level as possible. If you think you are going to lose weight by starving yourself, WRONG! You say, "I don't hardly eat anything, I don't know why I haven't lost weight." Well, if your body needs the fuel and it doesn't have the food to supply it, your pancreas goes into overdrive and produces more insulin because your body thinks it is starving. Consequently, you do not lose weight because your brain is transmitting a signal saying that you are starving. Our bodies are incredible machines.

Instead of starving ourselves with dieting, it is crucial that we make it a habit of taking small amounts of food when eating 3 Balanced Meals a Day. It is also important to maintain your blood sugar level by having a light snack. (Google "snacks for Diabetics" on the internet.)

Example: a small apple with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter.

The gala apple has 14.9g carbohydrates 0.1g fat. Yes, these carbs turn into glucose, however, the peanut butter has only 3g carbs, but 8.1 grams of Fat. The fat forces the metabolism to work harder and the result is that the sugar is broken down and excreted thus allowing the blood sugar to stay balanced and level without hunger and a sugar crash.) This is reason for a light snack in between those meals and 2 hours before bed. The snacks maintains your sugar levels and prevent you from over eating when it is time for your meals.

Because you have slept and been without food for 7 or 8 hours, a balanced breakfast immediately when you rise is important.

If you must prepare yourself for the day before eating, have a quick piece of fruit before breakfast.

With me, as soon as my feet hit the floor I have my quick Zeal Protein Shake. This stabilizes my blood sugar after the long night without eating. When I am ready for the day, I then have my Zeal Wellness Nutritional Energy Drink and a bowl of Oatmeal with Truvia and a little milk. This gives me the kick start energy and fuel to begin my day with a clear head and focus.

Two snacks, 1 between each meal may also consist of Celery and peanut butter, raw carrots, Broccoli, or any veggies of your liking. I just put them in a baggie and away I go.

No blood sugar and energy crashes for me. (I also carry an extra bottle of Zeal Wellness Nutritional Drink with me and bottled water to mix with it in case I do feel an unexpected energy crash). I wish someone had told me all of this 11 years ago!

Do your meal planning on the weekend, taking the time to create meals with good nutritious foods in the right proportions. Heaping over and super-sizing as the term is these days is out. Again, Moderation is the KEY to yours and your family's good health.

Healthy and balanced eating is a vital part of managing type 2 diabetes. You may not always have to comply with a special menu, but you must attempt to make wise decisions when making your food selections.

Comply with the balanced and healthy eating suggestions of your diabetes group.

You might discover these basic guidelines are a valuable tool.

    Include a good selection of nutritious foods such as veggies, fresh fruits, lean meat such as chicken as well as a fish and dried beans for healthy protein. Take into consideration your level of activity and how many calories you will burn and balance that with the calories that you eat. Select rich whole grain foods, veggies and fresh fruits. Foods to Limit are those of saturated fat, salt, cholesterol and added sugar. There are a multitude of websites on the internet that offer scrumptious, diabetes-friendly dishes that the entire family will appreciate.

With the health issues caused by obesity these days and the unbelievable statistics ratio of those overweight, your healthy and nutritious diabetes meal planning may benefit not only you, but may extend the lives of your whole family.

Because of healthy eating, it may also alleviate future problems unbeknownst to them at this time.

Enjoy your Future with Excellent Health,

Elaine Albright

Weight Loss and Nutrition Coach







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