Russia Launches Air Attack On Syria

Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad support this measure

This morning, the Upper House of Parliament in Russia approved bombings on the Islamic State of Syria. This was an unanimous decision, having the Kremlin already confirm the first launchings near the city of Homs (province is under rebel domain against Bashar al-Assad's government).

Ministry spokesperson, Igor Konashenkov notified the media that their jets will be attacking the positions, vehicles and warehouses that Russia believes belong to activist of the Islamic State. They also estimate that at least 2,400 Russians have fought in Syria or Iraq.

This request from President Vladimir Putin was unanimously approved, however, many question the motives of the leader given that he has a strong alliance with Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad (countries such as the United States and Saudi Arabia consider that the country's leader should be dismissed).

"They are proposing a coalition with Assad in order to fight against Daesh in Syria. He was the one who created them," declared Minister of Foreign Affairs, Al-Jubier to CBS News. "After Daesh is defeated in Syria, we can talk about a transition to Syria. A coalition with Assad is inconceivable."

With information from AP, BBC and CBS News

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