
MIND BAJA CALIFORNIA: Looks To Capitalize Innovation In The Northeastern Region

With the goal of supporting interaction between academia, the productive sector and the government so that innovation boost the national economy, MIND (Mexico Innovation and Design) was created.

MIND (Mexico Innovation and Design) was created. It is a place where the industrial sectors, creative industry companies and entrepreneurs can meet, network, and interact to focus their talent on developing ideas, converting them into processes and integrating them to the industry. In order to make innovation and design a fundamental part of the strategy for the development of new and improved products and processes, increasing the value of industry in the country.

The Mexican Innovation System will operate through MIND centers at the national level. The first to become active last year was in Jalisco, the next ones will be in Mexicali and Mexico City, with planned operation dates of 2016. All will operate with a country identity in innovation.

MIND Baja California, with headquarters in Mexicali, will cover the entire state, as well as the rest of the states in the northwestern region, such as Baja California Sur, Sonora and Sinaloa.

In an interview from Business Conexion, the president of the Commission for Innovation and Technological Development of Baja California, Gines Diez, shared that the centers will be directly operated by business organisms, they will receive public resources for their start up and will be conformed of private initiative, academia and government entities, both state and federal, linked to economic development.

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