San Diego to Have New Mexican Consul General

Previous consul steps down after 8 years in post

For the last eight years, María de los Remedios Gómez Arnau, had been the consul at Mexico's General Consulate in San Diego, that was until this past April 19, when she was replaced by Marcela Celorio Mancera.

The change had been announced since October of 2015 but it was until this week that she was officially named the new consul at the Ambassadors and Consuls Appearance with the United Foreign Affairs Committee and North American Foreign Affairs Committee present as well.

Celorio presented her work agenda but not before emphasizing the fact that San Diego is the 8th biggest city in the U.S. based on its population.

The new consul assured that her work doesn't not just entail stamping and signing papers regarding citizenship issues.

"For me, encouraging the San Diego work team is very important so it doesn't seem like an automated, bureaucratic matter but prove that there's a person behind all of this and that we are identifying ourselves", stated Celorio.


Her work agenda includes immigration, public health, infrastructure and tourism issues, highlighting the management of the Cross Border Xpress project as well as the construction of the pre-inspection customs checkpoint.

The new Mexico consuls, including Celorio, have already been confirmed by relevant authorities as well being sworn into office this week before the plenary of the legislature 12.

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