
4 Things You Definitely Shouldn't Do After a Breakup

Truth is, not many people know how to handle a breakup.

When a relationship ends, even if we didn't want it to, our mood is the first casualty; a broken heart is something we all try to avoid no matter the cost because, honestly, who actually enjoys crying for love?

Truth is, a lot of us have no idea how to properly handle a breakup and make certain mistakes that just turn things uglier. That's why we share this short but meaningful list of things that you should NOT do during a breakup. Take note!

1. Going full hermit.

If you think watching every romantic film and series ever made is going to help you get over that breakup, you have something else coming your way. Shutting in, moping and reminiscing about your ex while you drown your sorrows in booze (or a tub of ice cream, or both) is not going to help at all. Yes, it might be the only thing you feel capable of doing the first couple of nights, but it won't get you over the grieving process.

2. Keeping in touch with your ex

This is probably the worst thing you can do after a breakup, for obvious reasons. Not only is it negative, but emotionally tiring. To think that you can suddenly become friends overnight after loving each other is almost impossible. Both of you can get hurt pretty badly; especially if you're the one who still has feelings for them.

It's not that you can't have that friendship with them, but it's not a sure thing. A study by the University of Oakland concluded that those who maintain a friendship with their exes are prone to show some psychopathic symptoms.

After analyzing 861 individual cases, experts found that those who maintained a friendship with their exes showed manipulative and psychopathic tendencies.

3. Drink, drink, drink…

Alcohol is usually considered an easy way out of… Well, everything, at least for a while. Going out with friends and having a drink at the bar can be positive for you, but getting blackout drunk is a surefire way to get into deeper trouble.

There are countless negative sides to alcohol, so remember: It is not a magic forgetfulness potion, nor a problem solver that will fix your life. It will give you a terrible hangover, accidents and embarrassing memories.

4. Rebounding

If we have learned something from all those romantic comedies is that you can't just stumble into one love to forget about the last one, and that you won't fix your broken heart by breaking others'. Take your time, enjoy being single, and wait for the right person to start a new relationship.



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