Baja California

Baja California Has 131 Pet Friendly Establishments

Promoting the Adventure Tourism with your pets

It's been a year since the Ministry of State Tourism (SECTURE in spanish) launched a Pet Friendly Program in Baja California. Since then, there has been an increase from 40 registered establishments to 131 in the whole state, including in places such as El Rosario, Bahia de los Angeles y Catavina.

"The need of these spaces emerged when we noticed a growth of travelers that came accompanied with their pets, specially visiting from California, in which around 9 million families have dogs, cats, or other animals," assured Monica Vejar Corona, advisor of SECTURE.

That situation is not so far from the one at Baja California, where six of every 10 homes have at least one pet. These statistics create a trend in which many people don't want to leave their pets at home anymore.


Courtesy: Facebook Public House

Vejar stressed that Baja California is the first state in Mexico that promotes this kind of tourism, and that there's a growth in people asking about adventure tourism and ecotourism activities, such as fishing, hiking, surfing, boating, and swimming, among others. The point is to have a good time with their pets.

SECTURE shows in their official website many of the establishments in the state where pets are allowed, some of them places with a good space and drinking fountains. There's a great variety in the list, from restaurants, food trucks, bars and hotels, to Convention Centers, cabins, parks and beaches.

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