Mexico City is One of The Cheapest Places to Drink Beer in The World

You won't believe which city got first place

GoEuro 2016 is a beer price index which enlisted 7 cities around the world with the cheapest beer, and the City of Mexico made it to the 5th place with a 12 oz. beer at $1.95 dlls; anyway, many assume it could be cheaper.

However, it was the city of Bratislava (say what?) that won the first place by selling the 12 oz. beer at $1.58 dlls.

But which city is the most expensive? The answer is Lausana, Switzerland, where the same amount of beer has a price of $8.77 dlls.

The prices of this list were from bars and stores such as "Seven Eleven", focusing in local product. This investigation was addressed to people who go to "unexpected" road trips (you know, "I'll take my bag and travel where the wind takes me!";), so the prices were registered in euros. According to currency, these are the prices in pesos, and below you can find the exact amount but in dollars.

Sevilla $2.36

La Haya $2.67

Viena $3.18

Frankfurt $3.38

Moscow $3.54

Chicago $4.15

Abu Dabi $4.92

Beer lover, traveler and kind of poor? Visit Mexico City and drink good beer at a very low price.

Vía Excelsior

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