Baja California

This App Will Help You Find All the LGBTTIQA Events in Tijuana

Imperfectu is raising money and asking for the community support to achieve this goal

Nowadays, diversity is easier to see, so it's no surprise many cities are already very well adapting to the LGBTTIQA movement and creating safe places that promote respect and free will.

Sadly, Tijuana doesn't figure in the "Gay Friendly" map, even though in general, the city seems to be very respectful in this matter. It was due to this situation that the festival called "Imperfectu" decided to create a new app bound to allow "tijuanenses" and people from other parts of the world to identify all the LGBTTIIQA inclusive events.

The app isn't fully ready and the organizers and creators of it are asking the community for money donations through Indiegogo. People can donate from $10.00 dlls and up.

The only thing you need to do is enter the app page and make your donation.


You can choose from events, places to eat, and even check out the more nearby LGTBIITQA organisation. Ratings will be available for any place you've been to and you'll be able to know all about new festivals or associations. Tickets sale and bilingual settings are part of this project too.

Imperfectu seeks to teach the community of Tijuana how the city can be a complete safe place so tourists and people in general of the LGBTIIQA community can feel more than comfortable, but that won't be possible unless a real collaboration between the two parts happens.

Imperfectu is an organisation/platform in which art, academic matters, and activism combine to create a festival that explores all kinds of subjects on body, sexuality, and gender.

*Bulletin from Imperfectu

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