Prepare for the Best Meteor Shower of the Year This Month

The perfect way of waving 2016 goodbye

MEXICO.- August surprised us with the marvelous Perseid meteor shower, and many had the opportunity of watching several "falling stars" and ask for a wish, a tradition that has been going on for hundreds of years.

And as if this event hadn't been enough to delight people, another meteor shower is coming our way to marvel our everyday lives, and is called Geminid, which already had happen years before.

According to National Geographic, on Tuesday Dec. 13, the annual meteor shower Geminid will reach its maximum activity in the American Continent with around 120 meteors per hour; however, the full moon will dull the effect a bit.

Because of this, NASA recommends you to start watching from 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm in a dark and extensive area, so trees or buildings don't block the view.

This natural phenomena will begin Dec. 7 and end Dec. 17, but from Dec. 13 to Dec. 15, the view in Mexico will be better. It is not necessary for you to use telescope, because this sky spectacle can be seen at naked eye.

Check out this video of last year's Meteor Shower:

Vía National Geographic and Hipertextual

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