Erectile Dysfunction is What Brought "El Chapo" to Tijuana

He came for testicular implants.

News about Sinaloa cartel leader "El Chapo" Guzmán's recapture, Rolling Stone's exclusive interview, Sean Penn pictured alongside the infamous capo and Kate del Castillo's juicy texts has been all over the news this past week. But now, Mexican newspaper Reforma is reporting intimate information regarding the drug kingpin's Tijuana visit: He visited the border town for a testicular implant surgery.

It seems Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán suffers from erectile dysfunction and went to a Tijuana cosmetic clinic to get some work done on his testicles.

Testicular implants consists of a procedure commonly done to improve blood circulation on patients suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Fuente: i.imgur

Sources close to Guzmán Loera's investigation stated that he went under the knife back in September and October of last year in a Tijuana beauty clinic, some time after meeting with Mexican actress Kate del Castillo and actor Sean Penn.

After being admitted to Mexican maximum security prison "Altiplano", prison employees noted scars on his back, hip and reproductive system.

Vía Reforma

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