Baja California

Some Baja California Parents Angered Because Children Had School During Eclipse

But of course!... Right?

Last night, the State Educational System (SEE) confirmed (again) through social media that classes in Baja California would not be suspended for the eclipse this Monday, August 21. This announcement was made right after its counterpart in the state of Baja California Sur (where Los Cabos is located) had indicated that classes during the morning in public schools would be suspended due to the supposed risk it posed to students.

And this was enough to startle many moms in the region, because if Baja California Sur did it, why wasn't the same case with their children this further North and where the Eclipse would be even more visible? Most of them said the reason they wanted a suspension was because the timing of the eclipse would coincide with most recesses in schools, and most teachers don't pay attention to the children during that time of the day; thus, they could get hurt by staring at the sun without supervision.

On the other hand, many mothers agreed with letting their children attend school by saying that teachers only had to give the right instructions to children so they wouldn't get hurt.

What do you think? Actually doesn't seem as bad as the mother who wanted to change the date of the eclipse so she could be free?

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