Montserrat Caballero Ramírez, the mayor of Tijuana, invited the citizen and the business sectors to help the city become a friendly spot for immigrants and refugees as part of the public policies implemented by the 24th Administration of Tijuana in order to benefit the community regarding mobility.
In the podcast "Tijuana Transparente", Caballero Ramírez highlighted that Tijuana is today a reference nationwide regarding immigration matters. This is because, along the entire border, it is the municipality with the most programs and this immigration spot can be great support for the community regarding mobility.
The mayor stated that through the comprehensive work by the Municipal Agency of Immigrant Assistance (DMAM) a process has been established to provide prioritized information to immigrants when they arrive, free internet, lodging and food options, and asylum process assistance.

The mayor highlighted that the main goal of these immigration programs is that people who arrive in the city have all the tools so that they don't end up getting involved in organized crime or risk their health.
The director of Immigration Assistance, Enrique Lucero Vázquez, explained that through the CBP One program, more than 60,000 immigrants have entered through the El Chaparral port of entry since January 18 all the way until today. The Mexican community is the one that has benefited the most with 20,000 admissions which is the only legal, safe, and ordered option.
He added that according to records, CBP One has received applicants from 65 nationalities from four continents, especially Russian, Haitian, and Venezuelan.
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