Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda, the governor of Baja California, announced the beginning of operations of Transporte Violeta (Violet Transport) in Ensenada, which already operates in 6 municipalities benefiting thousands of women in Baja California.

The state governor revealed that, regarding Ensenada, 22,000 women, children, and teenagers will be benefited as they will be able to get to their destinations in a safe and speedy manner at no cost.
Marina del Pilar highlighted that this is one of the emblematic programs regarding mobility matters that, due to how it benefits women and their families, has been replicated in other Mexican states.

Marina del Pilar pointed out that the Ruta Violeta (Violet Route) in Ensenada travels a total of 21 kilometers and it began operations with 5 bus units. It arrives every 30 minutes and significantly benefits women.
For his part, the general director of the Institute of Sustainable Mobility of Baja California (IMOS), Jorge Alberto Gutiérrez Topete, stated, "Women use public transportation more than men and spend more on it."

He also said that, "With this program, Governor Marina del Pilar's aim is that they can travel safely and contribute to the economy, as it is free for all women. You don't need an ID or license of any kind."
The Ensenada Violet Transport begins its route at Av. Reforma, at Centro de Gobierno, goes north through Universidad Autónoma de Baja California until Av. Agustín Sanjinés, where it turns left and travels in front of Clínica of ISSSTE Ensenada. It then goes to Bulevar Costero, where it goes north once again, passing through Centro Cultural Riviera until Av. Blancarte, and then 2nd Street, where it passes Clínica 32 of IMSS. Subsequently, it takes Av. Floresta, where it meets Centro de Conciliación Laboral, Human Rights State Commission offices, and Unidad Médica Col. Obrera until Catedral, where it turns right until 6th Street, and then it goes south to Av. Reforma until reaching Clínica No. 8 of IMSS.

RELATED VIDEO: Marina del Pilar begins violet protocol