Governor Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda stated that Baja California was evaluated as one of the 3 states with greatest economic growth and wellbeing projection by the organization "México Cómo Vamos", which analyzed labor poverty, job creation, and progress social index indicators.
Mexico City, Queretaro, and Baja California were ranked as the three federal entities with the greatest yearly economic development.
The state governor stated that the most recent results of the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (CONEVAL) have said that Baja California is the 2nd state with the least labor poverty, which means that the state is way below the national average regarding people who cannot afford the basic basket with their salary.

Regarding job creation, Baja California registered between January and November 2023, a total of 41,167 new jobs, when the average indicator of "México Cómo Vamos" for the state is 36,850 jobs, which is why the state is exceeding expectations of this relevant indicator for social life.
As such, Marina del Pilar added that, in addition, CONEVAL said that Baja California is the 2nd state with the greatest poverty reduction in the country and it is ranked 3rd place on average wage increase by going from 544 to 590 daily pesos.
In addition, the unemployment rate in Baja California is 2.3%, placing it among the states with the greatest percentage of economically active working population, which means that there was an average quarter increase of 88,912 pesos in Baja Californian homes, which means it has obtained 3rd place thanks to this number.

Regarding the Social Progress Index that gathers together all economic elements regarding progress and wellbeing of people, Baja California got 70.6 points and was ranked, once again, above the national average of 65.6. The highest rating was 78.9, which means that for the Secretary of the Economy and Innovation, Kurt Ignacio Honold Morales, this reflects a gradual improvement in the quality life of all Baja Californians.
The state official stated that strengths on social and economic progress are built by everyone, as their goal is that a strong economy reduces inequality and ensures proper conditions for all people, especially those who need it the most.
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