For those who enjoy self-help and personal growth books, Don Miguel Ruiz, the famous Tijuana writer that wrote "The Four Agreements", has posted a series of videos that will undoubtedly make you reflect.
In his 6th and 7th videos, Don Miguel Ruiz delves into those things that change your life. Today, he talks about two messages that will make you reflect about how to control yourself and how to learn more.
Regarding knowledge, the writer helps us to reflect about the book "The Voice of Knowledge". Here, he compares the Tree of Life, the source of everything, with the Tree of Knowledge, i.e., the Tree of Good and Evil. Ruiz makes us think about how we create reality through thought and emotions.
The book talks about how we are domesticated and invites us to free ourselves of our self-imposed limitations. It tells us that we are creators of our world and, at the same time, victims of our beliefs. How can we improve? Using doubt to get rid of what is false and improve reality every day.
Regarding self-governance, Don Miguel Ruiz tells us how we sometimes make ourselves victims of what we believe about ourselves and our own inner judgments. He makes a comparison with the branches of government in a society to show us how these branches rule our self-esteem, decisions, and interactions. To summarize, he tells us that having awareness and self-compassion is key to navigate these internal dynamics.
Don Miguel Ruiz continues to be the teacher, guiding us through the paths to know and change ourselves. His message makes you reflect, leaving valuable lessons for those who want to live a real and conscious life. Play these videos and let yourself be amazed by these words of wisdom!
Books by Don Miguel Ruiz
The Four Agreements:

Beyond Fear:

The Mastery of Love:

The Voice of Knowledge

The Fifth Agreement:
RELATED VIDEO: Don Miguel Ruiz, proud Tijuana native writer