Renowned Tijuana native writer Don Miguel Ruiz, famous for his book "The Four Agreements", continues to captivate his audience through a series of thoughtful videos. On episodes 8, 9, and 10, Don Miguel Ruiz addresses key issues, exploring the importance of truth, new beginnings, and asking ourselves three essential questions.
About Life
On his first video, Ruiz shows a powerful metaphor to show how we perceive and create our realities. He compares our life to a movie theater, where each individual is the director and star of their own movie. He highlights how our beliefs, experiences, and perceptions give way to our vision of the world.
The Tijuana native author invites people to be conscious directors of our lives, to rewrite scripts that are no longer useful, and to contemplate our realities with greater awareness and intention.
Three Important Questions
In the next video, Ruiz delves into three simple but profound questions: "Who am I?", "What is real?", and "What is love?".
These questions stimulate the exploration of our true identity, the comprehension of what is real beyond our own perceptions, and how to redefine our concept of love. This exploration leads to greater self-awareness and significant connections with the world.
New Beginnings
Lastly, Ruiz addresses the impact of facing the disintegration of everything that surrounds us and facing when the world as we know it stops functioning. In this chaos, we discover our own survival, the persistence of reality beyond our struggles, and that our love remains unconditional.
This moment represents a crucial meeting with the truth, life, love, and reality, inviting us to connect more deeply with our essence and the world, finding beauty and meaning amidst uncertainty.
Books by Don Miguel Ruiz
The Four Agreements:

Beyond Fear:

The Mastery of Love:

The Voice of Knowledge

The Fifth Agreement:
RELATED VIDEO: Don Miguel Ruiz, proud Tijuana native writer