Movimiento Ciudadano Senate candidate for Baja California, David Saúl Guakil, defined water scarcity, lack of laws to efficiently protect children, and the lack of justice as the priority issues to address in the region, highlighting that there is a solution, not only statewide but nationwide.
Guakil visited the emblematic Baja Californian air conditioning company Becerril and its subsidiary, Murofast, on Tuesday where he spoke with its CEO, Marco Antonio Becerril, and its 95 employees. He spoke about his concern regarding lack of justice, "in all manners" that Baja Californians and the entire country are experiencing.

We are not just talking about justice when we are victims of a crime, he emphasized, because there is injustice when it doesn't matter that education is free and mandatory if there are no spaces for it; that we have rights to health if there are no medications against cancer, and despite there being a right to safety, nobody helps you when you report your daughter's disappearance, "because we are one of the states in Mexico where most children are kidnapped."
The orange party Senate candidate insisted that the key word is willingness. Political willingness to resolve problems and provide all Mexicans with opportunities to improve and move forward, "and I do have the willingness, because I am not here to promise anything in exchange for a vote, but to do things well."

He said that after consolidating his companies he decided to work for the community and society "because I do not agree with the way in which things are being done in Mexico, and because I have ideas on how to boost improvement for everyone," he emphasized when he spoke about his beginnings as a businessman at a swap meet stand.
David Saúl Guakil stated that Baja California is going to run out of water in 27 years and nobody is addressing the issue. Our state is one of the states with the highest crime rates against children, and there are no laws to protect them and insecurity, both statewide and nationwide, is in never-before-seen historic levels.

Lastly, he spoke about the lack of support for companies, mainly micro and small-sized companies, because many establishments disappeared during the pandemic, because we are the only country in the world that did not support its production industry. In other countries, workers were given aid and companies were helped but in Mexico, nothing happened.

RELATED VIDEO: "Platicando con Pepe Avelar": David Saúl Guakil tells us his political and business vision for Tijuana