The governor of Baja California, Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda, stated that the state administration is currently accepting women in Tijuana and Mexicali to join the "Mujeres al Volante" program that allows Baja Californian women to get a proper job in local transportation companies.
The state governor explained that to be a part of this project that has been repeated in other regions in Mexico, the requirements are: to be between 18 and 50 years of age, to have a valid driver's license, birth certificate, proof of last obtained school degree, CURP, RFC, social security number (if you have one), and two credential-sized photos. To get more information, Mexicali and Tijuana natives can call the following number: 686 390 7629.

Governor Marina del Pilar reiterated that companies such as the Secretariat of Work and Social Welfare (STPS), the National System of Employment (SNE), the Institute of Urban Sustainable Mobility (IMOS), the Center for the Training of Industrial Work (CECATI), and several Baja Californian companies are all part of this work and linking program that trains women to drive public transport vehicles.

For his part, the head of STPS, Alejandro Arregui Ibarra, said that so far more than 50 women in Mexicali and Tijuana have finished this program, which means that they can get a safe job and a proper salary to improve their and their families' quality of life.

In addition, the official recalled that this model promoted by Governor Marina del Pilar has been repeated in Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, and it is currently in development in Mexico City, Quintana Roo, and the State of Mexico. These administrations have been in close communication with the Baja Californian government to strengthen this integration process.
RELATED VIDEO: Marina del Pilar invites Baja Californian women to be part of "Mujeres al Volante"