On Monday, April 8, Tijuana and other cities will be witnesses to an unparalleled astronomic phenomenon: a solar eclipse, which everyone wearing ISO approved 12312 glasses will be able to appreciate.
Once you have these glasses, you can enjoy with your family this phenomenon and here we'll show you a list of the best places to watch the eclipse in an open space and with a perfect view of not only this event, but the entire city.
Playas de Tijuana Pier
With ample space and without trees blocking the view of the sky, you'll be able to have a wonderful view of the eclipse here.

Parque Morelos
This busy park has several wide spaces where you can watch the eclipse and enjoy the day with your family.
Parque de la Amistad
This might be closer for those who think that Parque Morelos is far, and thanks to its varied zones, it is one of the ideal places to watch this astronomic phenomenon.

Museo El Trompo
Located next to Parque Morelos, this museum will have a special event to watch the eclipse. In addition, approved glasses to watch this phenomenon in a safe manner will be sold here.
Calle Guanajuatense
For those who don't want to go to busy places and are near this area, this street is perfect not only for this event, but also to take pictures of the landscape thanks to the beautiful view of the city it offers. Click here to get this street's exact location!

Lastly, if you are not able to go to any of these places, remember that if you are in an open space you will be able to watch the eclipse, as long as you have the proper glasses. The solar eclipse in Tijuana will begin at 10 AM, and it will reach its maximum point at 11:11 AM.
Here is an animation of how the eclipse with a visibility of 65% will look like in Tijuana:
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