The governor of Baja California, Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda, announced the state as the future venue of the “2nd Forum for the Cooperation of Semiconductors in Mexico and the United States", which will take place in June. Here, several actions to integrate the supply chains of these devices and create jobs and wellbeing that benefits thousands of workers through strategies, such as investments and nearshoring, were laid out.
The state governor explained that the state government will work together with the National Chamber of the Electronic, Telecommunication, and Information Technology Industry (CANIETI) and the US Embassy in Mexico to organize and design the forum's program whose main topics will be the talent, supplies, infrastructure, and logistics of the semiconductor industry.
"This whole industry means better paying jobs, a greater use of the talent of our young people, and of course, a better and higher quality of life for all people, especially our working class which is the driving force of our state," she said.

It should be noted that, recently, the US ambassador in Mexico, Ken Salazar, emphasized the bilateral and multisectoral cooperation regarding this first meeting which took place in Guadalajara, Jalisco last February, where Baja California was chosen as the venue. This means that there are positive perspectives regarding this activity in the border region.
For his part, the Secretary of Economy and Innovation, Kurt Ignacio Honold Morales, said that being the venue is a recognition of the state’s leadership in this strategic area by companies such as Skyworks, Infineon, and Qualcomm, and also for its active participation in several events such as the North American Semiconductor Conference which took place in Washington, D.C.
To conclude, the state official underscored that, with Baja California being the venue, the attendance of authorities and important representatives of companies and educational institutions in California and Arizona will be significantly easier, all of which are part of a mega region and with whom there is permanent collaboration to kick off projects that result in wellbeing for families.
RELATED VIDEO: Marina del Pilar invita a bajacalifornianas a ser parte de "mujeres al volante"