The Municipal Administration of Tijuana has shared their calendar for LGBTTTIQ+ Pride Month with activities that promote diversity and inclusion.
The 2024 edition of "Unidos por la Inclusión" will have its amazing finishing touch with a free concert by Mexican singer Paulina Rubio, first Pride Godmother in Tijuana.

The Deputy Director of Diversity and Inclusion, Edgar Edoardo Rodríguez, claimed that since the beginning of the administration of mayor Montserrat Caballero Ramírez, the mayor's goal has been to take this message of inclusion to the entire city through permanent public policies and actions such as the ones that will take place throughout June.
He highlighted that though there will be events during the entire month, on Saturday 29 the biggest activity is expected: the "Unidos por la Inclusión" Pride March where they expect the participation of around 60,000 people that will gather in Downtown Tijuana.
When this march ends, there will be an event open to everyone in Avenida Revolución with singer Paulina Rubio who will perform a free concert with love for Tijuana and for visitors from both sides of the border.

"For the first time in 29 years, Paulina Rubio will be our Pride Godmother of Tijuana. She will carry the crown, raise her voice for everyone, and she is very happy to be part of this city's actions that boost inclusion, unity, and a Tijuana for everyone," Rodríguez stated.
The calendar begins on June 1 with commemorative banners that will be placed in the Municipal Palace. On June 3, LGBTTTIQ+ flags will be raised in several areas of Tijuana, among them the official premises of the Municipal Administration.
On June 5, a historic tribute to people who began LGBTTTIQ+ activism will take place in the Municipal Palace. A podcast will be recorded on June 7, and on Saturday, June 8, LGBTTTIQ+ pedestrian lines will be painted on Avenida Revolución.
On June 15, a vigil will take place on the emblematic Avenida Revolución. On June 19, the Municipal Administration will give a LGBTTTIQ+ activism medal, and on June 21, a health and prevention campaign will take place in bars in Downtown Tijuana.
The Deputy Director of Diversity and Inclusion highlighted the participation of the first Gay Choir of Tijuana, who will offer a free concert titled: " “Voces por el Orgullo LGBTTTIQ+” in Plaza Santa Cecilia on June 23 at 4 PM.

Lastly, on June 29 at 5 PM the 2024 Pride March "Unidos por la Inclusión" will take place and it will conclude with a Paulina Rubio concert. The stage will be set below Arco Monumental in Avenida Revolución and it will begin at 7 PM.
Lorenzo Herrera, president of Fondo de Asistencia para el SIDA, A.C., activist and organizer of the march, recognized the commitment of the 24th Municipal Administration of Tijuana that, since their first year, has provided total support for this march, giving space, voice, and help to people who need it not only on Pride Month, but throughout the whole year.
At the press conference where the 2024 Pride Calendar was announced, Downtown Tijuana Delegate, Martín Muñoz, who spoke about the positive impacts of these activities in the city, and the director of Municipal Civil Protection, Miguel Ángel Ceballos, who explained the operation that will guarantee the safety of all attendants in the march and the concert, were present.
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