Tijuana and San Ysidro are united not just by a border, but by commercial trade that occurs every day between travelers from both sides who must exchange their currency.
There are times in which sudden dollar exchange rates can overwhelmingly affect people's wallets, and people often get into dilemmas on whether to exchange their pesos and dollars in Tijuana or San Ysidro for fear of not making the right decision and getting the more expensive prices.
With the arrival of "Black Monday", in which world markets experienced a significant drop affecting the current economy and the dollar-peso rate, many people have questions regarding the exchange rate at the Tijuana-San Diego ports of entry, which is why here we have a few websites and apps that may be useful to you if you need to exchange your dollars and pesos in Tijuana or San Diego.
Border X Change
With its “frozen” option, the dollar price on this website will give you an amazing advantage as you will have the opportunity to exchange your money for this rate until the end of the day, without worrying about it changing suddenly.

Cómo está el Dólar San Ysidro/ Cómo está el Tipo de Cambio San Ysidro - Facebook Group
One of the many options you have to know what the exchange rate is in San Ysidro's currency exchange shops is through actual and accurate testimonials. These Facebook groups called "Cómo está el Dólar San Ysidro" and "Cómo está el Tipo de Cambio San Ysidro" are perfect for this, as members of this group share photos, locations, and prices of exchange rate establishments.

Modo Exchange
This is a very convenient application for users as you don't need to drive or walk anywhere. In addition, if you show a screenshot of the rate you found at their app or website and show that you follow them on social media, they will respect the exchange rate shown.

Though currency exchange shops are numerous in San Ysidro and the border region, their prices and their commissions can vary, which is why these apps and outlets can help you make a decision about where and how you want to exchange your currency without affecting your wallet.