Blunders in Tijuana's Mayoral candidates campaign

Jorge Astiazaran: "Second-class citizens are accustomed to insecurity"

The candidate for Mayor of Tijuana from the alliance "Compromiso por Baja California" (Commitment to Baja California), Jorge Astiazaran, made a series of blunders and mistakes during his election campaign activities last week.

The first blunder that Astiazaran made was during a debate last week, which was organized by the newspaper Frontera, where both Astiazaran, as well as other candidates like Alejandro Monraz and Ricardo Gonzalez Cruz, all discussed their proposals and answered several questions.

When asked about the insecurity in Tijuana, Jorge Astiazaran said that citizens had become accustomed to it and that it is part of the "landscape". Following through with this comment made by Astiazaran was Alejandro Monraz, who turned to him and responded that the issue on security is not something that could not be played with and that the people of Tijuana could not get used to living like this.

VIDEO: Part of the Mayoral Debate

Days later, a video began circulating on social networks where Jorge Astiazaran said that citizens living in the outskirts of Tijuana were "second class". This statement upset several people, who also suggested that the candidate should choose his words more carefully, and that by saying things like this, it is not the way to win voter confidence.

VIDEO: "Second-class citizens"

Currently in various media polls, the difference between Jorge Astiazaran and Alejandro Monraz is not very significant. The current difference between these two candidates only shows one thing, a campaign that is not advancing and another one who is showing some growth. It is important to note that Jorge Astiazaran's campaign did begin with an 8 point advantage over Alejandro Monraz.

On July 7, 2013, this will be the date when the people from the city of Tijuana will elect their new Mayor. At this point, it's anybody's game.

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